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Spring Break in San Francisco!!

I fell in love with this city in just 3 days. The structure, the food, the weather. I love traveling and if I could I would go everywhere with this family of mine. I have so much to say about this vacation but I'll keep it to a minimal, so just keep scrolling;)

Lombard Street was amazing. But if I lived in one of those houses I would not be a happy camper. lol

We called Boom the Map the entire time because he made sure we knew where we were going the whole time and carried his handy dandy map around.

Look at my baby killing the camera. She is the most fun to travel with.

The Golden Gate Bridge... yes we were the biggest tourists. And we got blessed with this beautiful blue sky (HEART EYES)

We walked across the bridge and caught a ride back because it was hot and we were tired hahaaha.

My girls.

Such unique beauty.

I was already tired and it was only noon. But hey look how handsome Boom is.

so gorgeous

this is my mood on the daily hahaah

The most delicious crab ever in Fishermans Warf.

the Palace of Fine Arts was amazing.

And goodbye San Fran, you are amazing.

Boom and I just being normal

How I felt about leaving


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